Maarten Haak

Partner | Lawyer (Advocaat)

T +31 20 305 30 60
M +31 651 845 320

Maarten Haak is a litigator with over 25 years of experience, with a focus on complex disputes involving trademarks, product design, trade secrets and related contracts. Chambers describes him as "a true strategist who combines business and legal perspectives". Legal 500 states that it "can recommend him for any must-win case" and recognizes Maarten as a leading partner in the field of intellectual property in the Netherlands. His former role as a deputy judge at the Arnhem-Leeuwarden Court of Appeal provides him with unique insight into procedural dynamics from a judge's perspective.

In addition to his focus on litigation, Maarten is editor of the leading Dutch IP journal Berichten Industriële Eigendom (BIE). He publishes and speaks regularly on procedural law and intellectual property.

What others say

Maarten Haak is very direct and open in his communication and very pragmatic.
— Chambers Global (2025)
Maarten Haak is a true strategist in difficult litigation. I admire him for his knowledge about procedural rules in lawsuits, which he takes pride to use to his advantage. Maarten can break difficult matters down in clear language. He dares to give a clear risk assessment which makes the discussion with the business so much easier.
— Legal 500 (2021)
Maarten Haak has everything I search for in a modern lawyer. He is a crystal clear communicator (able to explain any complex matter in a simple way), and a brilliant and creative litigator. I can recommend him for any must-win case. He has a good commercial sense, too.
— Legal 500 (2021)
Maarten Haak heads a ‘dream team’ that undertakes complex litigation in respect of trade marks, designs, copyright, and unlawful advertising, in addition to a range of contractual matters.
— Legal 500 (2021)
Maarten Haak acts for a varied clientele, encompassing fashion, retail and sport, on trade mark disputes. Clients describe him as ‘an extremely smart, strategic, thorough and business-savvy lawyer’ and also appreciate his transparency, one saying: ‘I also like his honest approach, always giving the full picture.’
— Chambers Europe (2021)
“Heavy-hitters in the fashion, design, luxury goods, retail and food industries call on the strategic counselling and litigation skills of Maarten Haak, a popular trademark, copyright, designs and unfair competition specialist. He is exactly what you want in the modern lawyer – practical and able to advise from both business and legal perspectives.”
— World Trademark Review
Strategic sage Maarten Haak heads the team and distinguishes himself in challenging litigation briefs: ‘he has great legal knowledge and is also a fluent communicator.’ As a former judge, he can weigh up the probability of success in each case.
— WTR1000 (2018)

Recent work

  • Acting for a fashion company against a European retailer in cross border trademark infringement proceedings.

  • Representing a plaintiff in an arbitration on the use and valuation of know how.

  • Enforcing IP rights in the product design of an iconic lamp (copyright, design, unfair competition) and related damages.

  • Drafting and negotiating license and distribution agreements.

  • Acting for a hospital chain in a cross border action on trademark and tradename rights.

  • Acting in oppositions, cancellation and invalidity actions before EUIPO and BOIP; and in appeal cases before the EU Court of Justice and the Benelux Court of Justice.

  • Arranging for an ex parte injunction and a pre-trial attachment of evidence.

  • Advising on parallel import of fast moving consumer goods.

  • Taking action against counterfeit products (anti-piracy).

  • Representing a global brand in an arbitration on an agency agreement.


Maarten has registered intellectual property as his principal legal practice area in the Netherlands Bar’™s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister). Based on this registration, he is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in this principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.