Limited freedom for advertisements on the Five Freedoms


Corporate social responsibility is a hot topic. More and more, business proudly proclaim to be “responsible”, “climate neutral” and “green”. But not everyone is convinced of the sincerity of these claims. And so, Varkens in Nood, a Dutch organization that fights for the well-being of pigs, submitted complaints to the Dutch Advertising Code Committee (ACC) against ING and ABN AMRO.
Both ING and ABN AMRO claim to acknowledge the “Five Freedoms of animals”. According to the Five Freedoms, animals should have freedom (1) from hunger and thirst, (2) from discomfort, (3) from pain, injury or disease, (4) to express (most) normal behavior and (5) from fear and distress. These freedoms can also be found in the Dutch Animals Act. According to Varkens in Nood, ING and ABN AMRO make it seem like they only finance business that observe the Five Freedoms, although both banks finance business in the intensive and common animal farming industry.
The complaint against ING was considered valid, while the complaint against ABN AMRO was denied. The wording of the statements tips the balance.
ING wrote on its website under the header “ING publishes animal welfare policy” that ING requires its clients to proof that they treat animals according to the Five Freedoms. ING argued that the observance of the Five Freedoms by its clients was guaranteed, considering that ING requires its clients to comply with the law, including the Five Freedoms in the Animals Act. The ACC did not concur with this position. ING presented a very firm policy, that was, in reality, not that firm at all.
ABN AMRO states the following in its Animal Welfare Statement: “ABN AMRO expects its business relations to acknowledge the right of animals” followed by the Five Freedoms. According to the ACC, ABN AMRO managed to prove that the bank makes an effort to have the Five Freedoms acknowledged by its business relations. Moreover, the statement does not state or suggest that its business relations must comply with the Five Freedoms.
The moral of the story: enthusiasm about animal welfare is good, however, do not get carried away by making claims that cannot be substantiated.
Mathijs Peijnenburg

AdvertisingDaniel Haije