Maarten Haak speaks in Antwerp about resolving trademark conflicts


On 7 september Maarten Haak held a lecture in Antwerp to 20 trademark consultants who follow a training to become a Certified Trademark Attorney of the Benelux Trademark and Design Association (BMM). The subject: how to act in case of a trademark conflict. About strategy, resolving conflicts, proceedings before the Dutch Court, the Benelux Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Union. And, of course, the potential reputation management issues connected to proceedings. Being a former deputy Judge in a Dutch Court of Appeal, Maarten also provided a view on a judge’s perspective of an IP conflict. How to maximize the success chances? What preparations are needed? If proceeding is the right way forward, what venue would you seize and which companies would you involve in the litigation? Everything starts with a thorough preparation and an investigation of facts and interests. Every IP conflict has its own elements to which a sound strategy must be adapted.

Great job.