Moïra Truijens partner with Hoogenraad & Haak

As of 1 September 2019 attorney-at-law Moïra Truijens is named partner with Amsterdam IP boutique firm Hoogenraad & Haak. Moïra mainly focusses on trademark, design and technology (patent law) issues. She works for both international concerns as for medium small enterprises. Moïra’s clients are primarily active in fashion, design and innovation.

She is recommended as ‘strategic, flexible and cost-effective’ (Legal500) and as ‘a good thinker who quickly gets to the heart of the matter’ (Chambers).Maarten Haak is very happy with this partner nomination: “Moïra has a great sense for technique, speaks French fluently, thinks creatively and has lots of experience. She is a great added value for us and for our clients.”Moïra Truijens: “With lots of energy and pleasure I will take this next step with Hoogenraad & Haak, a step that also corresponds with the growth of my litigation and advice practice. What am I going to do exactly? I’m happy to tell you over a cup of coffee!

Click here to get in touch with Moïra.