Parodontax Original is no longer original

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The changed composition of Parodontax Original has not gone unnoticed. The plant and herb extracts in Parodontax have been replaced by flavorings. GSK says that this only gives a different taste and has therefore put the notice "renewed taste" on the packaging.

One of the regular users of the toothpaste complains to the Advertising Code Committee (ACC): the "Original" toothpaste is no longer original. Not only the taste is different, but the complainant experiences the toothpaste as a completely different product. He even gets a tingling on his tongue. The ACC agrees with the complaint.

Eventually, the Board of Appeal (BoA) put its teeth into the case. According to the BoA, the statement "renewed taste" does not make it clear to the consumer how the new "original" differs from the previous one and is therefore insufficient. On the packaging, which moreover has not changed color, are the words "Original" and "renewed taste". A consumer will think, based on that information, that the taste of the original product has changed slightly due to the modification of the ingredients. According to the BoA, the alteration of the toothpaste goes beyond just an updated flavor. GSK failed to adequately inform consumers of this essential information.

GSK has it coming: the BoA deems the packaging misleading. But perhaps even more drastic: if the reviews are to be believed, many dissatisfied regular users of Parodontax Original are looking for an alternative.

Myrna Teeuw