Warning: in the Netherlands illegal downloaders will be chased now, too


In the countries around us private persons downloading illegally already received warning letters with penalties. In the Staatscourant [Government Gazette] it was recently announced that Dutch FilmWorks has gotten permission from the Dutch Data Protection Authority to collect IP-addresses from private persons who download their films and series illegally. With this information Dutch FilmWorks can contact the ISP from the downloader and ask for the contact details (name, address, e-mail). Subsequently, Dutch FilmWorks can then send the downloader a settlement proposal.  

They will start with a test, with the aim to get to a reasonable settlement and whereby the downloaders of The Hitman’s Bodygard will be addressed first.  They will receive a settlement proposal of EUR 150. With that, no full damages or costs will be recovered from the downloader yet. Dutch FilmWorks states that it will announce through a.o. social media which films and series will be acted against. It is well possible that other proprietors will now also start to enforce their rights. Forewarned is forearmed…

Moïra Truijens