Flavour optimisation is essential!


In the Albert Heijn TV commercial for bread with the ‘Broodnodig’ label, baker Patrick proudly proclaims that his fresh bread contains only the essentials. The complainant is angry because he has discovered on the label that the multigrain bread also contains dextrose, and that is not essential. Well…. Albert Heijn could prove that the brown rolls in the TV commercial actually only contain flour, water, yeast and salt, and no dextrose; the labels are somewhat behind the innovations in the baking and production process. But what about white bread and “Tijger” (mottled crust) topping? Albert Heijn explains that no equivalent alternative has yet been found for dextrose in white bread. The Advertising Code Authority is on board with this. Flavour optimisation is no reason to assume deception says the ACC. Taste panels show that the public actually finds that the dextrose is desperately needed here. Good to see that the RCC believes that taste is an essential value. 

Ebba Hoogenraad

Food, AdvertisingDaniel Haije