Posts in Food
Dairy industry may also advertise sustainability

In a YouTube video the dairy producer Melkunie claims to be on the sustainable tour: Melkunie is planting 40,000 trees. That's not greenwashing. Why not? Melkunie does what it says and also explains its sustainability claim. The fact that dairy production has harmful effects on the environment does not mean that Melkunie should no longer use the word sustainable. 

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From July 1, 2023: levy on single-use plastic (SUP)

Plastic soup in the Mediterranean Sea and porpoises mistaking a piece of plastic for a tasty fish. Or closer: overflowing trash cans in the park or a polluted ditch. To prevent litter, the European Commission introduced new rules regarding single-use plastic products (SUP for short). From July 1, 2023, consumers will pay a "SUP levy" for products with so-called single-use plastic packaging.

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Vegan Old Dutch candy?

On the front of a package of La Bonbonnerie butter wafers is the designation ‘vegan’. Good news for vegans you might think, they can now also enjoy the Old Dutch treat. But alas, it turns out to be misleading food information. The product contains 1% butter and is therefore not completely free of animal ingredients. A big line through ‘vegan’, but what about the ‘veggie’ designation?

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Do you know the foreign speciality: beef jerky?

Korean kimchi, South African braai, Moroccan tagine and ceviche from Peru. For delicacies from world cuisine, you no longer have to travel far: supermarkets and menus are full of these delicacies. Recently, the chairman of the Advertising Code Committee dealt with a case about an American speciality: the dried and spiced meat snack beef jerky.

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Food, AdvertisingDaniel Haije
No added sugar ...

Just a reminder: the nutrition claim 'no added sugar' means that the food contains no additional sugar in the recipe, i.e. no mono- or disaccharides. This is stated in the Claims Regulation 1924/2006. This also precludes the addition of, for example, dates or malt syrup to make the product sweeter. Why? That would mislead consumers who rely on 'no added sugar'.

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Food, AdvertisingDaniel Haije
Chewing gum argument: natural gum or not?

Green, greener, greenest! Consumers are increasingly making (more) conscious choices for more sustainable, natural products. The food industry is embracing this need. Chewing gum producer BenBits also advertises with "natural" and "plastic-free" gum. This year, competitors Perfetti (Mentos and others) and BenBits submitted complaints about each other's advertising.

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Recall and notification for unsafe food and feed required within 4 hours

"Immediate" action is a must in case of unsafe food and feed. This open standard from European legislation (General Food Regulation (178/2002) and Implementing Regulation (931/2011)) has recently been specified in a national Policy Rule. "Immediately" means that within 4 (!) hours after there is reason to believe that a product is unsafe, a consumer recall must be initiated. Within the same 4 hours, the NVWA (Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority) must also be notified in relation to the source of the products and in relation to the customers of the products (1 step up and 1 step further down the chain).

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FoodDaniel Haijerecall, food, food law, NVWA
Medical claims in food to be fined under FIC Regulation or Medicines Act?

Groundbreaking and justified. If a prohibited medical claim is made for a food supplement the NVWA is to base a fine on the Foodstuffs Act (starting amount €550). Until now the NVWA reasoned that a double fine could be imposed on the company based on the Medicines Act (starting amount per fine €150,000). In a thorough and convincing judgment the Court of Oost-Brabant rules out the Medicines Act in this case.

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Nutri-Score: formally still in conflict with the law, but no recommendation

Nutri-Score is a voluntary food choice logo that helps consumers to make healthier choices when purchasing within a product group. Nutri-Score has not yet been officially introduced in the Netherlands; this is expected to happen in 2022. Nutri-Score can already be found on store shelves as part of pilots and because it is already in use abroad.

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