Golden moments are experienced with beer

Gouden momenten beleef je met Bier.png

It feels like an eternity ago. A couple of months ago we were actually allowed to sit on the terrace and in the sun, while enjoying a beer, and forgetting about corona for a moment. Due to the compulsory closure, the hospitality industry had already had a hard time at that time. That is why the Dutch Brewers gave the catering industry a helping hand by launching the "Golden Moments are experienced with beer" campaign. The aim of the campaign: by showing toasting people in restaurants and cafés that, despite the corona measures, consumers can enjoy beer together in the hospitality industry.

The Advertising Code Committee (RCC) receives a complaint about the campaign. It says that drinking alcoholic beverages is glorified and it suggests that golden moments cannot be experienced without beer. Moreover, it would be unclear what the purpose of the advertisement is and that it seems to only to promote the drinking of beer, and thus alcoholism to a lesser extent.

The RCC rejects the complaint: the promotion of drinking beer in general is not contrary to the strict Advertising Code for Alcoholic beverages (RvA). Nor does the advertisement encourage irresponsible alcohol consumption. Good news for advertisers who want to show actors with a glass of champagne in their hand in their Christmas or New Year commercial. Make sure that this actor does not hang in the lamp, because the fact that this person has had a responsible evening can be disputed.

Mathijs Peijnenburg

Food, AdvertisingDaniel Haije