NEWS 2016-02


A new edition of our NEWS is out! An easy-to-read overview of developments in advertising law, intellectual property and food law.

This time the NEWS is about:
• "Toyboys" well received read
• On lookalikes and beer read
• Birds and the bees: buthylhydroxi … blergh! read
• Directive for protection of trade secrets passed read
• Is konjac root good for your figure? Sure it is! read
• Slick advertising on social media: Swiss Sense read
• Musical chairs: pan-European injunction on copyright read
• Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer read
• Requiem for the ICS Declaration read
• Well, well, copyright for a slogan. read
• Privacy Shield is still not safe enough read
• CJEU Daimler/Együd Garage: trademark use in advertisement? read
• Health claims for botanicals at the ACC: a disclaimer breakthrough! read

Anyone who is interested can register for our NEWS here (free of charge, data are only used for spreading the NEWS). For earlier editions, click here. Will you let us know what you think of our NEWS?