Sarah lectures on social media in food law on 7th International Fresenius Conference


Last week, at the 7th International Fresenius Conference in Frankfurt (Mainz), Sarah Arayess lectured on “Health Claims and Functional Ingredients”. Sarah expanded on the rules applicable to food advertising on social media. Nowadays, most companies are well aware of e.g. the Claims Regulation rules. Claims on packaging and on websites often comply with legislation. But are we aware that these rules apply to posts on social media as well?  A quick tweet on healthy effects of your product can be prejudicial to the Claims Regulation.. So one better be careful! Companies can sometimes also be deemed responsible for posts or messages from others, like bloggers and vloggers. In The Netherlands a specific advertising code exists for advertising on social media. This code contains various (far reaching) obligations for advertisers on social media, also when cooperating with bloggers. Sarah discussed these obligations in detail.
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Do you have any questions on this topic? Just call us. We are happy to provide you with the slides of this lecture.

Sarah Arayess

Food, AdvertisingDaniel Haije