Uitstekende rankings voor Hoogenraad & Haak

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Het is voorjaar! De tijd waarin Chambers en World Trademark Review hun advocatenranglijst bekend maken. Een bloemlezing uit de prachtige commentaren over Hoogenraad & Haak:

Chambers Global, Chambers Europe (Intellectual Property)

(…) Clients value the firm for its foresight, one reporting that the lawyers "can warn of commercial complications," before adding: "They really put themselves in my position." (…) Another cites the practice's customer-oriented approach, recalling how "the lawyers adapted their strategy to meet my wishes."

Chambers Europe (TMT: Media)

(…) One client praises the team as being "THE advertising law firm in the Netherlands," and adds that the lawyers "know everything there is to know about advertising law." (…) Another client adds that the lawyers are "very swift, comprehensive and clear in their advice."


(…) A prominent name in the advertising world, Hoogenraad & Haak also maintains a vibrant trademark practice which vigilantly oversees food and retail portfolios and puts ironclad protection systems in place. Most notably, the ensemble has been assisting Lidl (…) securing positive results in the high-stakes case thus far. Orchestrating this strategy are “two very sharp and intelligent lawyers”, Maarten Haak and Daniël Haije. Haak delivers “educated, hands-on and practical advice”; while the personable Haije is an astute problem solver and a safe pair of hands in multi-pronged cases. Rounding off the squad is Moïra Truijens, an outside-the-box thinker who enjoys solving the trickier problems businesses face.