Posts in Intellectual Property
Complaining about WhatsApp: soon also in the Netherlands

The American company WhatsApp Inc. lost a lawsuit on 22 November 2016 that it had filed against the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA) after being sanctioned. According to the DPA, WhatsApp had violated the Dutch Personal Data Protection Act as it was found to process personal data of Dutch customers using Dutch smartphones (and not just transferring) while no ‘representative’ had been appointed in the Netherlands.

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Musical chairs: pan-European injunction on copyright

PMP has produced the two-button wingback chair, Janis (shown on the left), since 2013. Competitor Easysofa brought a strikingly similar wingback chair onto the market: the Beto, in various models with one, two, or four buttons. PMP requested a preliminary injunction on the basis of copyright and unregistered Community Design Law. However, according to Easysofa, PMP did not come up with (the design) for the Janis themselves (either).

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The claimant who withdraws preliminary relief proceedings has to pay the defendant’s legal costs

Up to the present time, uncertainty remained in the Dutch IP-world about who has to reimburse the (full) legal costs if preliminary relief proceedings are withdrawn before the court session commences. I have conducted legal proceedings on this matter and have previously published about this subject. The Dutch Supreme Court has recently brought an end to this uncertainty: if the (former) claimant withdraws the case, he shall be burdened with the actual costs the (former) defendant has incurred.

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Chambers and Legal 500 rankings 2016

In April the most important rankings for lawyers and law firms were published: Chambers and Legal 500. Chambers and Legal 500 research the legal market in detail and gauge the opinions of clients and colleagues. Only the best lawyers and firms are listed. Just like in previous years Hoogenraad & Haak and our lawyers do very well in the rankings. Many thanks to our clients and colleagues for providing us with great feedback!

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Filling Pieces / De Schoenenfabriek: concerning the transfer of IP rights

Shoe designer Guillaume Philibert has designed and sold shoes (called Low Tops) for quite some time. See for example the Low Top Python on the left. At first he started his business as an independent trader and from 2014 in the form of a Limited Liability Company (Filling Pieces BV). In 2015, a competing shoe store, De Schoenenfabriek, launched de Sneaker Snake, pictured to the right. Both models look remarkably similar to one another. A clear infringement of copyright and model rights, one would think.

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Patents: interactive image screens

In a dispute concerning two patents with respect to interactive television screens, the question arose whether the patented inventions of Smart Technologies UCL had lead to valid patent rights and whether CTouch Europe BV had infringed those rights. CTouch claimed that Smart Technologies had not clearly substantiated its infringement claims.

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After 17 years of procedures: an end to the stripe-conflict

After a conflict of more than 17 years, adidas finally won at the Court of Appeal Arnhem-Leeuwarden. In the meantime, the case landed on the desks of many different courts (the Court of Justice of the EU, the Supreme Court). In this case the question arose whether the 3-striped pattern could be seen as a trade mark. The CJEU held that this was the case. It is interesting to note that this case once started as summary proceedings. The Court of Appeal held that even after 17 years, adidas’ claims were still “sufficiently urgent”, since H&M still denied the infringement

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