Posts in Intellectual Property
Court of Justice decides on essential function of a collective EU mark

An EU collective mark is owned by an association and may only be used by the members of that association. A well-known example of a collective mark is Fleurop. The European Court of Justice held that the essential function of an EU collective mark is not different from the function of individual EU marks. The essential function is to guarantee the collective commercial origin of the goods sold under that trade mark, not to guarantee their collective geographical origin.

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In principle no balance of interests upon a request for ‘right to be forgotten’

Forever findable on Google? On Friday 24th of February 2017 the Dutch Supreme Court has ruled that a person’s privacy interest outweighs the economic interest of the operator of a search engine and the interest of internet users in having access to information: in principle search engines have to heed the request for the ‘right to be forgotten’. Only in special circumstances this could be different.

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The Kamergotchi and portrait rights

Since Monday I am taking care of Tunahan Kuzu, the party leader of the Dutch political party “Denk”. That is: I take care of him digitally, via the (Tamagotchi-inspired) Kamergotchi app, which was created by the Dutch satirical TV show “Zondag met Lubach”. I proudly inform you that Kuzu is doing rather well. I regularly give him food, love and fresh ideas.

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