Hoogenraad & Haak in WTR1000

Vandaag publiceerde World Trademark Review de jaarlijkse uitgave WTR1000, een onafhankelijk onderzoek naar specialisten op het gebied van het merkenrecht. Over Hoogenraad & Haak:

Hoogenraad & Haak marries a leading advertising practice with a robust trademark operation that never fails to impress. The lawyers here are "down to earth, approachable and lively", and "handle demanding clients superbly, all while working to tight deadlines and delivering to a high standard - without charging the earth". Heavy-hitters in the fashion, design, luxury goods, retail and food industries call on the strategic counselling and litigation skills of Maarten Haak, a popular trademark, copyright, designs and unfair competition specialist. "He is exactly what you want in the modern lawyer - practical and able to advise from both business and legal perspectives.”

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WTR about Hoogenraad & Haak: leading advertising practice with a robust trademark practice

Today, the World Trademark Review published their yearly WTR1000: an independent research on trademark law specialists. About Hoogenraad & Haak:

Hoogenraad & Haak marries a leading advertising practice with a robust trademark operation that never fails to impress. The lawyers here are "down to earth, approachable and lively", and "handle demanding clients superbly, all while working to tight deadlines and delivering to a high standard - without charging the earth". Heavy-hitters in the fashion, design, luxury goods, retail and food industries call on the strategic counselling and litigation skills of Maarten Haak, a popular trademark, copyright, designs and unfair competition specialist. "He is exactly what you want in the modern lawyer - practical and able to advise from both business and legal perspectives.”

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Daniël Haije