Posts tagged IP
Louboutin-Amazon decision does not apply to ordinary market places

Fruugo is an ordinary online marketplace: retailers upload and sell their own products on Fruugo, while Fruugo does not sell goods itself. Audi and Volkswagen found non-authorised products on Fruugo’s website and initiated infringement proceedings. They claim that not only the retailers on the Fruugo platform, but also Fruugo itself infringes their trademarks.

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Unitary patent launched: one single European patent

On June 1, 2023, the Unitary Patent will be launched. Protection will then finally be obtained with one (granted) patent in all 17 EU countries that have joined the Unitary Patent system. These countries so far are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia and Sweden.

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Repeated filing of trademarks in bad faith?

When is a trademark owner in bad faith when filing his trademark repeatedly? The General Court ruled on this issue in the case of Hasbro v. EUIPO. Hasbro had the trademark Monopoly registered several times. In 2019, EUIPO declared the mark partially invalid (for part of the goods and services), alleging that Hasbro had acted in bad faith when applying to register the mark. Hasbro appealed this decision, but the Board of Appeal and recently the General Court rejected it.

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Cancellation IMPOSSIBLE BURGER brand impossible task

There is a rule in trademark law that descriptive indications may not be monopolized as trademarks. These designations must be kept free for everyone. For example, the word "Apple" cannot be a trademark for apples. Nor can Apple sue supermarkets and greengrocers for their use of the descriptive designation apple.

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