Posts tagged intellectual property
Louboutin-Amazon decision does not apply to ordinary market places

Fruugo is an ordinary online marketplace: retailers upload and sell their own products on Fruugo, while Fruugo does not sell goods itself. Audi and Volkswagen found non-authorised products on Fruugo’s website and initiated infringement proceedings. They claim that not only the retailers on the Fruugo platform, but also Fruugo itself infringes their trademarks.

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Unitary patent launched: one single European patent

On June 1, 2023, the Unitary Patent will be launched. Protection will then finally be obtained with one (granted) patent in all 17 EU countries that have joined the Unitary Patent system. These countries so far are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia and Sweden.

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Trademark does not stand in the way of “humorless” encyclopedia

Can one write a book about your favorite Harry Potter moments without J.K. Rowling's permission and offer it for sale? You cannot if it is up to the makers of the Dutch TV show Jiskefet, unless it is made clear to the consumer that this is an unauthorized book. The author of the book would otherwise profit from the reputation of the Jiskefet trademark. Unfortunately for Jiskefet, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal disagrees.

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Can one act after years against use of a later registered trademark?

The owner of an older trademark can have a later registered conflicting trademark declared invalid. The registration of the younger trademark does not function as some kind of approval allowing for undisturbed use of this younger trademark: the older trademark owner can still take action against it after the younger trademark has been registered. But the older trademark owner should not wait indefinitely. If he becomes aware of the younger registration and the use, he has five years to act against the younger trademark registration or the infringing use. Is sending a letter sufficient as an action?

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