Scares on YouTube

YouTube can be fantastic for advertisers. Based on the profile data of the YouTube viewers you can decide which advertisements to present to them. A great way to target your audience. That was what McDonald’s thought, when it launched a creepy commercial on YouTube: ominous film music, an abandoned country house, a woman who got the fright of her life when confronted with the ghostly figure of a young girl.

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AdvertisingDaniel Haije
Musical chairs: pan-European injunction on copyright

PMP has produced the two-button wingback chair, Janis (shown on the left), since 2013. Competitor Easysofa brought a strikingly similar wingback chair onto the market: the Beto, in various models with one, two, or four buttons. PMP requested a preliminary injunction on the basis of copyright and unregistered Community Design Law. However, according to Easysofa, PMP did not come up with (the design) for the Janis themselves (either).

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Health claims for botanicals at the ACC: a disclaimer breakthrough!

In our NEWS 2015-4, we already wrote about the strict position of the Advertising Code Commission (ACC) regarding botanicals that are brought to the market as nutritional supplements. Since the European Claims Regulation, only specific health claims approved by the European Commission after being adviced by EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) for an ingredient are permitted.

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Advertising, FoodDaniel Haije