Posts tagged advertising law
Greenpeace has broad freedom of speech

Greenpeace is allowed to express its opinion in a confrontational commercial about the role it believes the Dutch bank Rabobank plays in the nature, climate, and nitrogen crisis. This was decided by the Advertising Code Committee. The television commercial features images of forest fires, mega-stalls and the felling of rain forests. The text and voice-over says, among other things: "Rabobank, proud sponsor of festivals & nature destruction" and "Rabobank, proud sponsor of museums & cutting down rainforests."

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Copyright meets ad agencies using (generative) artificial intelligence

Using ChatGPT, Midjourney, Dall-E 2, Stable Diffusion and other AI applications in the production of advertising campaigns is super convenient and can save a lot of time and money. However, such use is not without legal risk. Not surprisingly, many ad agencies and international advertising networks have put the use of AI on hold, banned it, or subjected it to strict rules. But what legal risks are we really talking about? Without pretending to be exhaustive, in this post I will mention two relevant issues in the field of Dutch copyright law.

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Dairy industry may also advertise sustainability

In a YouTube video the dairy producer Melkunie claims to be on the sustainable tour: Melkunie is planting 40,000 trees. That's not greenwashing. Why not? Melkunie does what it says and also explains its sustainability claim. The fact that dairy production has harmful effects on the environment does not mean that Melkunie should no longer use the word sustainable. 

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