Unitary patent launched: one single European patent

On June 1, 2023, the Unitary Patent will be launched. Protection will then finally be obtained with one (granted) patent in all 17 EU countries that have joined the Unitary Patent system. These countries so far are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia and Sweden.

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Do you know the foreign speciality: beef jerky?

Korean kimchi, South African braai, Moroccan tagine and ceviche from Peru. For delicacies from world cuisine, you no longer have to travel far: supermarkets and menus are full of these delicacies. Recently, the chairman of the Advertising Code Committee dealt with a case about an American speciality: the dried and spiced meat snack beef jerky.

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Food, AdvertisingDaniel Haije
Update Guide to online consumer protection (ACM)

Dynamic pricing, scarcity markers, nudging, social proof and dark patterns. There are endless tactics to influence online buying decisions. Where is the line between permissible influence and an unfair commercial practice? In the Guidelines on the protection of the online consumes, published in 2020, regulator ACM clarified how it applies consumer rules to online influencing techniques.

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AdvertisingDaniel Haije
No added sugar ...

Just a reminder: the nutrition claim 'no added sugar' means that the food contains no additional sugar in the recipe, i.e. no mono- or disaccharides. This is stated in the Claims Regulation 1924/2006. This also precludes the addition of, for example, dates or malt syrup to make the product sweeter. Why? That would mislead consumers who rely on 'no added sugar'.

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Food, AdvertisingDaniel Haije
A description is not trademark use

Did you know that imitation leather called Piñatex is made from pineapple leaves? This can be used for shoes, bags, jackets, and so on. Of course, the user wants to scream out loud that these clothes are unique because they are made from pineapple. But what if someone else has registered the trademark "Pineapple" for clothes? Wouldn’t this constitute a trademark infringement?

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Podcast about advertising music

Amp. Amsterdam // The Sonic Branding Company is making an interesting podcast about music in advertising, aptly titled "Advertising Music". In a series of short episodes, the host Amber Roner takes us all into the world of advertising music. Amber talks to artists, producers, music supervisors, publishers, advertisers, and......lawyers! Daniël Haije (Hoogenraad & Haak) and Syb Terpstra (bureau Brandeis) took part in an episode about the legal aspects of advertising music.

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AdvertisingDaniel Haije
Lisa Peek joins Hoogenraad & Haak

Our advertising practice has been strengthened with the arrival of lawyer Lisa Peek. Lisa specializes in intellectual property, advertising, marketing and privacy law. Since her joining the Amsterdam Bar in 2018, she worked at a leading law firm in Amsterdam and at a specialized niche firm in Utrecht. In her spare time, Lisa enjoys traveling, running and drawing portraits.

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Chewing gum argument: natural gum or not?

Green, greener, greenest! Consumers are increasingly making (more) conscious choices for more sustainable, natural products. The food industry is embracing this need. Chewing gum producer BenBits also advertises with "natural" and "plastic-free" gum. This year, competitors Perfetti (Mentos and others) and BenBits submitted complaints about each other's advertising.

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Recall and notification for unsafe food and feed required within 4 hours

"Immediate" action is a must in case of unsafe food and feed. This open standard from European legislation (General Food Regulation (178/2002) and Implementing Regulation (931/2011)) has recently been specified in a national Policy Rule. "Immediately" means that within 4 (!) hours after there is reason to believe that a product is unsafe, a consumer recall must be initiated. Within the same 4 hours, the NVWA (Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority) must also be notified in relation to the source of the products and in relation to the customers of the products (1 step up and 1 step further down the chain).

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FoodDaniel Haijerecall, food, food law, NVWA