Trademark does not stand in the way of “humorless” encyclopedia

Can one write a book about your favorite Harry Potter moments without J.K. Rowling's permission and offer it for sale? You cannot if it is up to the makers of the Dutch TV show Jiskefet, unless it is made clear to the consumer that this is an unauthorized book. The author of the book would otherwise profit from the reputation of the Jiskefet trademark. Unfortunately for Jiskefet, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal disagrees.

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Climate neutral according to CNG label

A new nuance in the discussion about ‘climate neutral’ claims: Arla mentions on its organic dairy products that the milk and yogurt would be climate neutral, as it invests in the planting of new trees in Africa. By this Arla means that its dairy is climate neutral because it is certified according to the climate neutral label CNG (Climate Neutral Group), a solid quality label with strict requirements. That label uses the wording "climate neutral”. Can Arla do this too? The Board of Appeal distinguishes between two types of climate-neutral statements.

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ACC provides legal background on '0.0'

In July 2022, a complaint was submitted at the ACC against brewer Liefmans' claims "alcohol-free" and "0.0" on the label and website of its Liefmans Fruitesse 0.0 beer. Why? Both the use of '0.0' and 'alcohol-free' would be misleading. In fact, as was also stated on the Liefmans website at the time of the complaint, the fruit beer contains less than 0.05% alcohol. The beer is thus not completely alcohol-free.

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Medical claims in food to be fined under FIC Regulation or Medicines Act?

Groundbreaking and justified. If a prohibited medical claim is made for a food supplement the NVWA is to base a fine on the Foodstuffs Act (starting amount €550). Until now the NVWA reasoned that a double fine could be imposed on the company based on the Medicines Act (starting amount per fine €150,000). In a thorough and convincing judgment the Court of Oost-Brabant rules out the Medicines Act in this case.

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Fake reviews; really misleading

A webshop may not claim that reviews are authentic if this has not been investigated. And the posting of fake reviews by webshops (or having them posted) is now misleading by definition. This follows from the new e-commerce rules that apply since May 28, 2022 as a result of the implementation of the Modernization Directive (2019/2161).

But how does one prove that a review is fake or real?

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Can one act after years against use of a later registered trademark?

The owner of an older trademark can have a later registered conflicting trademark declared invalid. The registration of the younger trademark does not function as some kind of approval allowing for undisturbed use of this younger trademark: the older trademark owner can still take action against it after the younger trademark has been registered. But the older trademark owner should not wait indefinitely. If he becomes aware of the younger registration and the use, he has five years to act against the younger trademark registration or the infringing use. Is sending a letter sufficient as an action?

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On 17 May 2022, the Dutch Media Authority (CvdM) published the new Policy Rule on Qualification of Commercial Media Services on Demand 2022. Very briefly: as of 1 July 2022, vloggers with 500,000 or more followers must register with the CvdM, join the Advertising Code Committee, register with NICAM (age rating) and comply with the rules of the Media Act (including the also renewed policy rules of the CvdM on sponsorship and product placement).

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Nutri-Score: formally still in conflict with the law, but no recommendation

Nutri-Score is a voluntary food choice logo that helps consumers to make healthier choices when purchasing within a product group. Nutri-Score has not yet been officially introduced in the Netherlands; this is expected to happen in 2022. Nutri-Score can already be found on store shelves as part of pilots and because it is already in use abroad.

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